COVID-19 Response

A Message from the President

The COVID-19 outbreak has gripped the world as countries try to prevent the spread and mitigate the impact of the virus. As Canada, BC and our region begin to understand the virus and how quickly it spreads, drastic, escalating action has been necessary, creating a dynamic, ever changing environment in which we all must navigate.

Sinclar Group’s priority at this time is to protect the health and safety of our employees, their families and our communities. We do not have medical expertise and the company is taking its lead from credible third-party sources, such as the BC Centre for Disease Control (BC-CDC), Province of British Columbia and Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, the Canadian federal government, the US Centers for Disease Control (US-CDC), and the World Health Organization, to determine our response.

Like previous challenges we have faced across Sinclar, the COVID-19 outbreak requires we band to together and support each other during this difficult time. The actions we take today will influence the health of our employees, their families and our communities.

We are all in this together and we will get through this unsettling time. There are difficult days ahead, but I am confident our company will emerge stronger and more resilient than ever.

– Greg Stewart

Information for Employees

Please email any questions you may have to

Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP)

Sinclar Group provides Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) services available for our employees through Walmsley. There are a variety of resources available for you and your family to utilize:

  • Read the monthly Walmsley newsletter​​

Make an Informed Decision

Keep Your Distance

Isolate and Stay Connected​

  • ​Access the Wellness Library on Walmsley’s website at​. Please contact your HR Manager or HR Coordinator to obtain your login information.

Getting Through the Coronavirus​

Stress and COVID-19

COVID-19 Fear and Anxiety​

Sadness and Depression

  • ​​Connect with Walmsley directly via phone at 1-800-481-5511, or via email at

Public Resources

BC Centre for Disease Control

Find information about COVID-19, how to protect yourself, your family and your community and what to do if you suspect you have the virus on the BC Centre for Disease Control website at:

Statements from the Province of BC and the Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry can be found at:

Northern Health

Find the latest information from Northern Health on their website at:

To reach the Northern Health COVID-19 Information Line for Northern BC residents, please call 1-844-645-7811


Access the latest information from the Government of British Columbia, including information on the 811 service, please visit the HealthLinkBC website at: